Mushrooms on trees and heavy branches that hang over your house are just some of the many reasons why you need to hire a professional arborist. In fact, damaged or dead trees are especially hazardous during storms which means that having them inspected on time is fundamental in order to avoid situations like that. And although there are lots of tree inspection companies to choose from, a small number of them can provide you with a proper tree survey report.
A tree survey is pretty important and must be performed on both public and private landscapes in order to provide useful information about the trees' condition. In fact, a tree survey report like that contains detailed information about trees, as well as one that says which trees can be retained and which should be removed. We can all agree to the fact that trees are an important part of the ecosystem but they can put at risk human and animal life if not in good condition. That is why professional tree reports are needed in order to avoid potential hazards.
A licensed and professional arborist can provide you with:
- Arboricultural Impact Assessment Report
- Arboricultural Compliance Report
- Preliminary Tree Reports
- Visual tree health and safety assessment
- School risk assessment
- On site superintendence of construction works that can impact the Tree Protection Zone
- All development related tree reports
- Disease diagnosis
- Decay testing
- Soil analysis
- Tree maintenance schedules
- Tree identification
- Tree maintenance schedules
Generally speaking, the tree survey can provide you with an information related to the species of the tree/s based on scientific name, the age of the tree, life expectancy, overall health of the tree, physical measurements of the tree like height and diameter, management recommendations, etc.
One thing is certain, tree surveys conducted by a professional arboricultural and ecological consultant are designed to provide an important and useful information to designers, householders, local authorities and environmental lovers related to the tree/s health and condition.
All these things and surveys can be performed by a professional and licensed arborist who has the right equipment and skills to perform different kind of tasks. Then and only then you can be sure that you will receive an excellent tree report that is based only on professionalism. Once done, you can see whether you can save your trees or you will need to get rid of them and plant new and healthier ones.