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Your Guide to Taking Care of the Delicate Beauty of Cactus and Succulents

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If you are a newbie to cactus and succulents and want a quick guide on how to care for these plants, here are some easy tips to get you started.

Choose a Container With Drainage

It can be any container with holes in the bottom, so that way water has a chance to scape and not pool, which can cause your plant to rot.

Use a Cactus and Succulent Soil

Use a soil specifically blended for cactus and succulents. It is a soil that is lighter, faster draining, and with more aeration. Experts do not recommend using regular potting soil because they are often too heavy and hold too much moisture.

Pick a Healthy Plant

Even if you find succulents and cactus plants for sale online, to ensure you are getting a great deal on them it is important that the plants are healthy. You will want plants really healthy to begin with, so choose the ones that look like they have a very nice shape and good colour, that are free of insects and that also doesn't have dead or drying foliage or soggy foliage. It is true that when you buy your plant online you can not check the plants for these things. However, a reputable nursery offering succulents and cactus plants for sale online will always send you healthy plants to maintain the integrity of their business.

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To do that you will want to put a little bit of the cactus or succulent soil at the bottom of your container and then work a little bit of it up around the sides. Gently remove the plant from the nursery container and place on top of the soil. Add in additional soil around the root ball and then tamp it in making sure the root ball is nicely packed in. It is always a good idea to leave a little bit of a lip from the top of the soil surface to the top of the pot. That way, you don't make a mess when you are watering.


You will want to water your succulents and cactus until just a little bit comes out the bottom of the pot, but you don't want any excess to collect in the saucer. So, if you have any extra, you want to make sure to pour it out. The rule of thumb is to allow the soil to dry between waterings and depending on your climate and the time of the years, this can be once a week to every few weeks. If the leaves begin to pucker, it is a good sight that your plants need water.

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You should provide your plants with at least four to six hours of morning light, In the summertime, you will need to protect them from the scorching afternoon heat, because many varieties can sunburn easily. But on the flip side, in the winter, you may need to provide extra light when the days are shorter and the light is not as intense.


Just like all other plants, succulents and cactus also need food. How often you fertilize your plants will depend on what variety of succulents and cactus you have. Generally, you want to fertilize about once a month with a succulent or cactus specific food. Make sure you always read the directions on the bottle to ensure you use the correct amount. Just incorporate fertilizer into your normal water schedule.